Deb and I just celebrated ONE YEAR as Independent Product Consultants with doTERRA!!! We get amazing benefits as IPCs, also known as being a Wholesale Member. I’d like to share some of these benefits with you, and give you an idea of why we are so enamored with these oils and this company.
The first and foremost benefit we get from our membership with doTERRA is that we have access to some of the best essential oils we have ever experienced. doTERRA checks every bottle of oil with a mass spectrometer. You may have seen this process on CSI or Bones, or another super high-tech forensics show. In case you haven’t, the mass spectrometer is a thingy that checks the chemical composition of whatever is being tested. doTERRA has rigorous standards of specific chemical compounds before they will put their label on it. When someone asks me if they are organic, I happily tell them that it is BETTER THAN ORGANIC because this process of approving only the best oils assure that there are no contaminates such as GMOs, pesticides, herbicides or weeds. Plant sources for doTERRA oils only come from the finest plants grown in the most ideal conditions for that particular type of plants. doTERRA only distills the most potent plant parts in order to ensure that only the purest, strongest essential oils become doTERRA Oils. Only the very best make it through their process to make sure each bottle of oil is CERTIFIED PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE (CPTG).
Through these amazing oils as well as doTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality Pack (a daily regimen of vitamin, mineral & herbal supplements along with essential oil capsules that also include omega 3’s and antioxidant oils), our lives have radically improved. Aimee has been able to better manage the Epstein-Barr virus that she carries, has been able to better manage mood fluctuations and menopause symptoms (including hot flashes). Despite working with kids, she has not gotten half of the infections and crud that her coworkers and kids at work contract and spread to each other and back to themselves. Deb has been able to work with her doctors to greatly reduce her prescription drugs and over the counter supplements. Her pain levels are reduced, her moods are better, she is getting fewer migraines and illnesses even though she has an incurable immune disorder (common variable immune deficiency) and she cannot take the only treatment available through conventional medical means. Her doctors are amazed and excited to see how well she is doing. (Before using doTERRA, she was visiting the ER an average of once every 5-6 weeks needing treatment for chest pain, migraines, upper respiratory infections, etc. We have gone once in the past year). Deb now has a vitality that she hasn’t had in years. Woohoo!
Although there is absolutely no minimum monthly order (unlike most multi-level marketing programs), we get another series of benefits since we do place an automatic monthly LOYALTY REWARDS ORDER, which we can change at any time just by jumping online. With each order that we place, we get a certain percentage of “Loyalty Rewards Points”. These points can add up. After being consistent with ordering for at least 3 months in a row, we can start using those points to get FREE PRODUCT (we pay $3.00 for $100pv worth of product per 100 points. It may seem to take a while to accumulate points at first, but as the months go by, the percentage you get in points increases. Next month, we will be up to the maximum of 30% free pv (personal volume) for every Loyalty Rewards Order (LRP) that we place. If we place an LRP worth 125 pv before the 15th of the month, we get a free product-automatically! This month, we got a 5ml bottle of On Guard, a product that we use every single day and order every month anyway. In the past, we have gotten lemon, oregano, peppermint, Breathe blend, Balance blend, white fir, and other amazing gifts. Every once in a while, they add other offers as well. By increasing our December order, we even got a free bottle of Frankincense oil. (We actually didn’t order more than we expected to for that one, because, being December, we were buying lots of great CPTG oils as gifts for our friends and family.) We have also gotten fantastic sets of essential oils for cooking. (see some of our recipes in an earlier blog post or check out these recipes highlighting doTERRA's summer sensations oils.)
As WHOLESALE MEMBERS (IPC), we get 25% off the retail price of all doTERRA products. That means that with a typical Loyalty Rewards Order for us, we save about $50 per month. That’s not bad for paying an initial $35 sign up fee, which includes the $25 annual fee plus $10 for a start up kit. With our $25 renewal fee, we also got a free bottle of peppermint! So our membership has already pretty much paid for itself! (See my earlier blog post about peppermint to learn why this is well worth the price!) As IPCs, if someone wants to take advantage of these amazing products and signs up under us, we get a percentage of whatever they spend, as long as we maintain our Loyalty Rewards Orders at a minimum of $50 (which are keeping us healthier, happier and even flavors some of our food, so of course we maintain our LRP orders). With all the products that we use and love from doTERRA, we easily spend at least that much. And, this month (August 2012), for the first time, we are getting a $50 bonus check because 3 people that signed up through us as IPCs placed qualifying LRP orders. Adding theirs to ours gave us the 600pv our team needed for doTERRA to cut Deb, whose name the account is under, a check. If we had been pressing it, we probably could have earned this earlier, but we just let the amazing products and company standards sell themselves for the most part.
I must add here, that even with adding a Lifelong Vitality Pack each month for each of us, along with the oils that We are using to keep Deb healthy despite having a compromised immune system, we are still paying less than we were for all of her prescribed drugs and Dr ordered supplements. (Do not alter your medications without consulting your doctor and going very slow with this process. You may not be able to get the same results that Deb has. She has some great doctors who are open minded about complementary modalities and who open more as they see her improve.) She feels so much better than she did when dealing with all the negative side affects of multiple medications, and the expense of the supplements she was having to take-Ugh!
We use doTERRA oils for so much more than massage or air freshener. We use them as mood stabilizers, pain relief, cleaners, antibiotics, perfumes, cooking and diffusing into the air to clean and refresh the house. Even the animals use them. For example, Sky, one of our dogs, had a badly damaged nail, and we treated it with On Guard. She didn’t get an infection or anything, even though she runs outside in dirt and who knows what germ-ridden stuff, every day. You can read an earlier post about relieving Sky’s trauma with Balance Oil after we rescued her from being tied up outside in the cold and rain without food or water. Like me, Balance is her favorite.
doTERRA is committed to using not just the best oils, they are also a company that supports its members with webinars, seminars, essential oil news, conventions and up to date information on the most recent and exciting scientific studies being conducted on essential oils. They are committed to not just relying on ancient wisdom or anecdotal evidence, they also look for scientific studies to support their work and our education. I never knew essential oils were so powerful until I started reading their educational materials.
We would love to help you get discounts and earn free products from an amazing company. We have tried a lot of different essential oil brands, from very expensive, rare ones, to inexpensive off the shelf at the health food store. By far, doTERRA is the best oil for the best value that we have found. The superior quality makes us confident to use them in and on our bodies. Their soaps, body wash, diffusers and educational tools are all exceptional.
There are a lot of links included in the text of this blog entry. click on any of them to get more information on the subject highlighted. Most of the links connect to our business website,
I love hearing how well these oils have helped you both! I really do love them. I cant wait to be able to switch to the LLV. I tried them but they tanked my breast milk production (peppermint) so I have to wait until I am done with that. :( Good job taking your health into your own hands and congratulations on your improved health.