Monday, March 5, 2012

March is Wash Your Hands Month! (okay, not really, but it can be)

The On Guard blend of CPTG essential oils has been found to kill and prevent the spread of some very hard to kill bacteria.  Their hand wash uses this blend, along with other ingredients to provide a safe and effective alternative to harsh hand washes full of chemicals that may not be so good for you.
DoTERRA offers great products utilizing their Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils.  They are committed to providing products that are healthy alternatives to what is commonly found on superstore shelves.
I recently heard a story on NPR's Living On Earth, briefly highlighting some studies on chemicals commonly found in products that we use every day.  This story was disturbing on so many levels.  May of the chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis have not been widely tested for safety, yet they are in constant contact with the skin of many of us.  The skin is the largest organ of the body, and substances that come into contact with the skin can enter the bloodstream within seconds.  Take a moment to watch the video in our sidebar that demonstrates how quickly Balance Essential Oil Blend enters the bloodstream and helps to normalize the cells when applied to the skin on the bottom of someone’s feet.  If a drop of Balance can have a positive effect so fast, imagine the damage that may be done when you unwittingly slather toxins all over your skin in the form of lotions, cleansers, shampoos, make-up and laundry detergents.
On Guard Foaming Hand Wash with two dispensers normally retails for $30.00.  This month, March 2012, it retails for $27.00.  If you are a Preferred Customer, this month it is $21.60.  And for Independent Product Consultants, it is $20.25.  These prices include one bottle of Hand Wash, and two foaming dispensers so that you can enjoy this experience at more than one sink in your house.  (By the way, one of our friends just told us that it smells good and lasts a long time.)  We have already placed our order.  Have you placed yours?